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The AMALGEROL ACADEMY aims to provide up-to-date knowledge to support you in your daily work. This allows us to provide basic understanding and fundamental agricultural knowledge, but also to provide information of the AMALGEROL Products and their amazing effects on plants and soil.
Up to now the AMALGEROL ACADEMY consists of 8 Modules:


With some of the modules we will try to cover – in a rather compact way – basics about soil, plants, plant protection, nutrients and fertilizers, as well as on biostimulants.
This section will contain mainly a theoretical part and – if applicable – show the impact of AMALGEROL products.

But other moduls will focus either specifically on the AMALGEROL product family, or on how AMALGEROL products impact plant growth and crop yield, or how AMALGEROL products can support crops against stress events. Due to the complex nature of some topics we can only try to cover the essentials, but are very eager to constantly improve each module.

AMALGEROL Academy Organisation
We provide different offers for different needs.

Tailored and country specific trainings on site

Online trainings on request


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